Displaying 4 technical reports.

This module contains the features of CSS level 3 relating to the <image> type and some replaced elements. It includes and extends the functionality of CSS level 2 [CSS2]. The main extensions compared to CSS2.1 are the generalization of the <url> type to the <image> type, several additions to the <image> type, a generic sizing algorithm for images and other replaced content in CSS, definitions for interpolating several <image> types, and several properties controlling the interaction of replaced elements and CSS’s layout models.


Tab Atkins Jr., Elika Etemad, Lea Verou.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group
CSS Images
View CSS Images Module Level 3

Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) that the controller of the DID decides that it identifies. In contrast to typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so that they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties might be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject.


Drummond Reed, Manu Sporny, Markus Sabadello, Dave Longley, Christopher Allen

Decentralized Identifier Working Group
View Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0

This document sets out use cases and requirements for a new type of identifier that has 4 essential characteristics:

  1. decentralized: there should be no central issuing agency;
  2. persistent: the identifier should be inherently persistent, not requiring the continued operation of an underling organization;
  3. cryptographically verifiable: it should be possible to prove control of the identifier cryptographically;
  4. resolvable: it should be possible to discover metadata about the identifier.

Joe Andrieu, Phil Archer, Kim Duffy, Ryan Grant, Adrian Gropper

Decentralized Identifier Working Group
View Use Cases and Requirements for Decentralized Identifiers
Available in:

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Tab Atkins Jr., Elika Etemad, Lea Verou.

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